Category Archives : How to Help Critters

Suggestions from Patti of what to do to keep animals safe, how to tell if they are injured, and when to help them.

Like It or Not…

Whether we like it or not, winter is coming.  That realization has sent many of us into preparation mode.  Wildlife is no different.  While some are flying south, others are seeking shelter here, possibly near you.  One of those we tend not to think about this time of year is bats.  I can tell that […]

My #1 Thrill…

I have been privileged this summer to watch families from five species of woodpecker, hairy, downy, red-breasted, flicker, and red-bellied, raise their young.  What particularly intrigues me about them is their chatter.  I love to listen to the parents and young ones interact.  Each one is distinctive and fascinating.  When Mom comes to feed, the […]

The Best Way to Get Rid of an Unwanted Critter

If you have wildlife, any wildlife, hanging around that you do not want, the best way to get rid of them is with noise.  Wildlife do not like noise.  From a mouse to a bear, noise will prompt wildlife to leave an area.  The only caution is do not make the noise continuously.  If you […]

3 Important Points about Birds

Birds don’t sweat.  When you see them with their mouths open, that is how they handle heat and humidity.  Similar to dogs, birds do not have sweat glands.  They equalize their body temperature through their mouths. Some species promote heat loss by fluttering their neck muscles while their mouths are open. Birds don’t have breasts.  […]

If You See a Fledgling Running…

If you see a fledgling on the ground and running, do not get alarmed.  Mom and Dad are most likely around, watching over it.  Similar to doing yoga or calisthenics, fledglings run on the ground to work the muscles in their shoulders in anticipation of using their wings to fly.  By running, they also move […]

How to Unstick a Bird

I have had several calls lately about people finding birds stuck on glue traps.  If you encounter that situation, swipe either canola oil or peanut butter gently underneath the bird to free it from the glue.  Then carefully wash the bird with Dawn to remove the glue completely.  Do all of this effort with as […]