Monthly Archives: November 2023

I Took in Two Hawks Last Week

This is the time of year that young birds of prey get into trouble diving for food and interacting with vehicles because their focus is on the prey, not anything else. Thank you to those who attended the CVLR class Thursday and gave the critters donations.  I appreciate you greatly.  This has been a slow […]

Beware of Well-intentioned Actions

I am continually amazed at the actions some people think are helpful for wildlife.  While their intention is to assist wildlife, they do not consider the wildlife’s perspective.  A recent example of that was a lady who called me about a turtle a few weeks ago.  “How long have you had it?” I asked. “Just […]

Cheech and Chong Are Free

We released Cheech and Chong back into the wild recently.  Cheech was excited to fly off immediately while Chong hung back, uncertain.  Through the years of worrying about wildlife that is reticent to return to the wild, I have learned patience.  “Stand back and wait,” I advise everyone.  “The creature will exit the carrier when […]