Category Archives : Uncategorized

No Friend of an Owl

Crows are intelligent creatures and no friend to an owl.  They like to congregate on carrion and often will want a share of an owl’s kill.  Crows will attack an owl to get part of the kill.  Just as they do on a carcass, crows go first for the owl’s eyes. Since crows go to […]

A Mother’s Day Surprise

Like me, does your mom enjoy seeing the spring blooms, hearing the birds singing, and getting outside in the fresh air?  Sunday we celebrate our moms.  Let’s band together.  You help wildlife mothers and babies with a donation to Wildlife Rehab and Release in honor of your mom, and I’ll send your mom a special […]

If a Bird Hits Your Window…

I’ve had a lot of calls lately about birds hitting windows.  If that happens to you, here is what to do.  Check to see that the bird is alive.  Since it has been knocked out, sometimes that is difficult to judge.  If you are unsure, assume it is and put it in a box.  Set […]

Two Important Events…

Early next week two important events happen, my birthday and the anniversary of my starting Wildlife Rehab and Release.  For twenty-some years I have been helping critters, eleven in my own organization.  This year I have helped more than ever, 1,000 so far.  However, the summer’s baby season has drained the WRR’s finances.  With feeding […]

Baby Raccoons Are So Cute…

In the last few days, I have had over thirty calls on baby raccoons.  I couldn’t agree more with the callers who tell me, “They’re so cute!” Be careful.  They have sharp teeth and long, razor-like claws, which they need in order to eat.  They also imprint very easily.  If you pick them up and […]