Step #3

I scout out and think through every release prior to making it.  I want to leave the wildlife in a place that fits its physical situation.  When I do the actual release, I try to release it near where it was found.  That gives it a chance to be back with a mate.  Sometimes that is not possible.  Then I decree a divorce and release it in a location where I think it can thrive.

Most birds can be released any time of the day because they are day fliers.  Owls are a different matter.  Since they are night fliers, they must be released at dusk.  I do that a half hour before dark because then the crows have gone down for the night.  I want to keep the crows from attacking an owl that is adjusting to its surroundings.

My goal for all wildlife I rehab is have them back in the wild where they want to be.  I take special care to make certain they have the best location to do that.

Thanks for caring about the critters,
