If You Find Injured Wildlife Do Not Do This…


When many people come across injured wildlife, their first instinct is to pick it up, and they will go to great lengths to do that, including chasing the critter.  Please resist that impulse.  The critter is already scared, and, if it is hurt, your chasing it potentially makes both those situations worse.  While your helpful intentions are wonderful, make yourself stop, think, and do nothing.  Be certain the critter is not bleeding and out of danger.  If it needs protection, put it in a box and leave the box near where you found the critter so that it is close to home.  Let it be for 24 hours and then check on it.  At that time if the critter appears to need more help, contact me, Patti, at (715) 832-1462.  Those actions are the best you can take to help the critter.

Thanks for caring about the critters,


PS  ‘tis the season of giving.  Please give your vote for Wildlife Rehab and Release to receive some of the $100,000 Scheels is giving away to 501(c)(3) non-profits.  Click on this link  and complete the nomination form.  If you want to give details of our work, we have rehabbed over 1100 wildlife this year.  We are  licensed to rehab all critters and hold the only license in a 20-county area to rehab birds.  Encourage your friends and relatives to vote for us, too.  The deadline is December 7.  We do not have time to fundraise and rely solely on private donations.  Some of this will go a long way in helping feed our critters this winter.