A Wonderful Baby Oriole Story

With baby season fast approaching, I was reminded of a story Mary sent me last year.  During a rainstorm, her husband had found a very wet nestling oriole in their driveway.  At first they thought the baby was dead, but then they realized it was still breathing.  In the garage they dried it off and warmed it up under a lamp that they positioned over a box lined with paper towels.

They called me, and I gave them further suggestions to help the little guy.  Once it was dry, the baby oriole became quite vocal leading them to believe it was okay.  After the rain stopped, they transferred it to a basket and hung the basket in the tree about six feet away from the baby’s nest.  Its nest mate was out of the nest and being fed by its dad.  Mary and her husband hoped Dad heard the baby they had rescued and left the rest of up to him.

The next day they took the basket down.  It was empty.  While they never knew what happened to the baby, they did what they could to help it, and that’s all any of us can do.

Thank you, Mary and Gene, for caring about the critters.
